After the foundation by experienced STEYR engineers, NKE established itself as a european quality manufacturer. ekugellager.de offers a comprehensive coverage of NKE product range: ball bearings, roller bearings, housings and accessories. Insert ball bearings and bearing units for agricultural machines have the same names as the INA products.

More information about NKE (NKE homepage)

ekugellager.de NKE stock

Description Manufacturer Availability Price
3212-B-TV NKE 36 × from 68.21 € *
3213-B-2RS-TV NKE 25 × from 96.09 € *
3213-B-2RS-TV-C3 NKE 4 × from 86.75 € *
3213-B-TV-C3 NKE 2 × from 83.67 € *
3214-B-2RS-TV NKE 2 × from 109.41 € *
3215-2Z NKE 17 × from 102.79 € *
3217-M NKE 3 × from 173.93 € *
3218-M NKE 6 × from 193.49 € *
3218-M-C3 NKE 2 × from 184.69 € *
3219-M NKE 2 × from 243.13 € *
3219-M-C3 NKE 4 × from 243.13 € *
3220-M NKE 8 × from 297.53 € *
3220-M-C3 NKE 4 × from 297.53 € *
32203 NKE 14 × from 9.04 € *
32204 NKE 68 × from 9.91 € *
32205 NKE 222 × from 10.17 € *
32206 NKE 475 × from 10.58 € *
32207 NKE 243 × from 12.56 € *
32208 NKE 338 × from 14.03 € *
32209 NKE 387 × from 15.73 € *
32210 NKE 95 × from 17.74 € *
32211 NKE 152 × from 22.84 € *
32212 NKE 240 × from 29.55 € *
32213 NKE 65 × from 34.82 € *
32214 NKE 93 × from 38.82 € *
* Prices marked with an asterisk are net prices excluding VAT.