After the foundation by experienced STEYR engineers, NKE established itself as a european quality manufacturer. ekugellager.de offers a comprehensive coverage of NKE product range: ball bearings, roller bearings, housings and accessories. Insert ball bearings and bearing units for agricultural machines have the same names as the INA products.

More information about NKE (NKE homepage)

ekugellager.de NKE stock

Description Manufacturer Availability Price
3308-B-TV-C3 NKE 10 × from 45.82 € *
3309-B-2Z-TV NKE 21 × from 66.77 € *
3309-B-TV NKE 21 × from 60.06 € *
3309-B-TV-C3 NKE 5 × from 63.51 € *
3310-B-2RS-TV NKE 8 × from 91.97 € *
3310-B-2RS-TV-C3 NKE 9 × from 90.93 € *
3310-B-TV-C3 NKE 11 × from 75.52 € *
33108 NKE 29 × from 22.89 € *
33109 NKE 121 × from 19.91 € *
3311-B-2RS-TV-C3 NKE 3 × from 122.78 € *
3311-B-2Z-TV NKE 10 × from 103.52 € *
3311-B-2Z-TV-C3 NKE 15 × from 114.66 € *
3311-B-TV-C3 NKE 5 × from 88.47 € *
33110 NKE 33 × from 26.32 € *
33111 NKE 22 × from 30.42 € *
33112 NKE 32 × from 35.96 € *
33113 NKE 43 × from 40.89 € *
33114 NKE 108 × from 45.05 € *
33115 NKE 100 × from 43.00 € *
33116 NKE 44 × from 54.36 € *
33117 NKE 36 × from 63.98 € *
33118 NKE 24 × from 74.08 € *
3312-B-2RS-TV NKE 2 × from 145.42 € *
3312-B-2Z-TV NKE 8 × from 141.16 € *
3312-B-TV NKE 8 × from 113.39 € *
* Prices marked with an asterisk are net prices excluding VAT.