10 great reasons to choose ekugellager.de

Huge selection

So that we can always cover your individual requirements we are now stocking more than 35,000 items.
In addition to numerous roller bearings (incl. accessories), we are now offering V-belts, seals and products from the linear technology sector - all from our stock!

Simple article search

Now you can find your desired items even more quickly! Thanks to the new menu structure you now have an even better overview of our overall range. Use our quick search - you can also use this in combination with our search by dimensions - in order to find the product you are looking for even more quickly.
For products from the linear technology sector we recommend our linear technology overviews which we have designed specially for you. You can find these in the linear technology menu item (simply click the category you want).

Unbeatable shipping times

To put it briefly: We will send orders received by 19:00 (Fridays by 17:00) on the same day!

We continue to offer you a range of options for express delivery so that you can specifically counteract any unexpected breakdowns.

If you have a machine breakdown or another urgent situation, we can also send you your items by courier at a fixed price to your chosen address within North Rhine Westphalia (prices for other areas on request).


As standard, we offer our customers free-of-charge cuts if required for shafts and profile rails.
You can simply configure your desired items yourself in the shop and then order them.

It goes without saying that we don't mess about with shipping costs: all rails and shafts are subject to our normal shipping conditions (free delivery from €99 - shipment takes place the same day if ordered within the shipping times)!

Special purchases

Are you looking for something which we do not currently have in stock? Simply send us your enquiry.
We will then check the market for prices and to see whether the item can be supplied and can then draw up an individual quotation for you straight away.


Do you expect unconditional quality from our products? Even for more inexpensive brands as well? - us too! To ensure the quality of our products they are inspected both when put into storage and also when order-picked. Custom-made products (e.g. profile rails cut to length) are inspected by several employees. In addition, specially-purchased items are inspected and checked for defects before being shipped out to you.

Neutral direct shipping to your customers

Time is money - not just for you, but also for your customers. Save time with our service where we send the desired goods directly to your customers - neutrally packaged and also with your delivery note on request.

Fair pricing policies

Save on costs thanks to fair and transparent pricing policies from ekugellager.de. We even manage to go one step further for high order values: make sure you obtain our special discount for large orders today.
We would be happy to set up an individual price profile for you to use in our shop if required. We look forward to receiving your order!

30-day right of return

Would you like to return articles you bought from us? Find out about our conditions for your right of return. We will happily help you throughout the process!

Simple payment

You have the choice: You can either pay for your order by invoice or simply using PayPal, using a credit card or the direct debit process (no PayPal account necessary).